I am a Computer Scientist, Desktop and Mobile Application Developer and a Graphic Designer. I have experience in providing digital solution on multiple platforms for daily use and for commercial purposes. Also, I am good at digital image processing, computer graphics, JavaScript, dart, python, C#, C++, C, SQL databases and much more.
2018 - Present
Development of web based physics simulations with controllable parameters.
2018 - 2019
TABA Youth Chapter mission at NUST is to inculcate the feeling of responsibility in the university students towards those less fortunate than us, and to involve them in volunteer work beneficial to the society.
Development of cross-platform mobile application with pixel perfect design.
2018 - 2019
A centralized web based system for diagnosis of diseases with Data Mining and Machine learning.
Mobile: (+92) 311 7200911
NUST, Innovation Drive, H-12,
Islamabad, Pakistan